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Chest Pains After a Car Accident

Virginia Beach car accident lawyers discuss chest pains after a car accident.Many common car accident injuries result in copious bleeding, distinctive bruising, severe burns, or other obvious and visible signs of damage. Other injuries, however, can be less perceptible due to the overwhelming influence of adrenaline in the moments during and following the accident. In fact, chest pain linked to a car accident can be delayed. It is common that soreness and tenderness associated with muscle strain or surface bruising can take some time to develop. The same can be true for deeper injuries, such as those that occur during a car crash.

Types of Injuries that Cause Chest Pain

Bruising: The impact of a crash can cause bruising on the skin, as well as internally. Like those common on the skin’s surface, soft tissue contusions can cause chest pain.

Broken ribs: The ribs encase and protect the internal organs in the chest cavity. They are the first line of defense to protect the body from impact. Damage to the ribs can cause immense pain. Broken ribs have the potential to cause further damage if the bone protrudes into a nearby muscle or organ.

Heart attack: The stress and overexcitement experienced during a car accident can prove too much for a weak heart. Sudden overexertion may cause strain on the heart that could lead to a heart attack.

Internal bleeding: Damage to muscles or organs can cause internal bleeding that is not always recognizable without medical tests.

Muscle strain: The extreme force and motion of a car accident can toss a person around inside the cabin of the car, which can stretch and pull muscles causing muscle strain.

Organ damage: Damage to internal organs, such as the heart, lungs, liver, or spleen can cause chest pain. A broken rib or other protrusion could puncture a lung. Likewise, a high-speed impact or sharp piercing could cause the liver or spleen to rupture or suffer other damage.

Our Virginia Beach Car Accident Lawyers Represent Car Accident Victims

If you were injured in a car accident that left you with chest pain or other injuries, or if your accident was the fault of another driver, you may be able to collect damages to offset the cost of your medical bills or to compensate you for related pain and suffering. Contact the knowledgeable and experienced Virginia Beach car accident lawyers today. At East Coast Trial Lawyers, we will obtain the compensation you rightfully deserve for your injuries. To learn more, contact us online or call us at 757-352-2237 to schedule a free consultation. Located in Virginia Beach, Virginia, we serve clients in Chesapeake, Eastern Shores, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Suffolk, Virginia, as well as North Carolina and nationwide.

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