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Who is Liable for an Accident Due to Blinker Misuse?

Virginia Beach Car Accident Law Firm discuss liability for an accident caused by blinker misuse. When used correctly, turn signals make driving easier by indicating turning or merging intentions. Yet, not every driver remembers to turn a blinking signal off or to even use it at all, and their negligence can lead to crashes. Any type of accident can happen as a result of inadequate turn signal usage. From rear-end accidents to side swipes, all collisions are someone’s fault. However, many victims are unclear how to prove liability in the case of a blinker-related crash. The answer is that liability usually depends on the circumstances, although in many cases, it is the person who forgot to use or turn off the blinker who is at fault.

Not Using Turn Signals

Drivers who simply do not bother with turn signals put everyone else on the road in peril. This happens more often than many people think. Studies indicate that about 25 percent of the time, people do not use their blinkers when they make a left or right turn. As a result, plenty of accidents and injuries can be linked back to the non-use of blinkers. Someone who has been hurt in this type of accident may want to check with a car accident lawyer who may recommend filing a personal injury lawsuit against the negligent driver.

Failure to Turn Off a Turn Signal

A driver with a constant blinking turn signal causes confusion on the roadways. Drivers are not sure what the car will do next, leading to hesitation. Plus, some drivers may assume that the driver with the non-stop blinker is never going to turn. Again, this may not be true. If other drivers do not act with caution, they may be somewhat liable in the case of an accident related to a perpetually blinking turn signal. Consequently, a healthy amount of consideration must be exercised on the part of the driver who observes the car with its blinker on.

Turning on Signals Too Late

Another type of blinker-related incident occurs when a driver puts on the blinker as they are making a turn. This gives other drivers zero time to prepare for the turn. Therefore, the driver behind the turning driver might go too fast and rear-end the turning car in front of them. All motorists have a responsibility to use their blinkers in a timely fashion. In Virginia, turn signals must be used at least 100 feet before a vehicle plans to turn or merge. Initiating the blinker immediately before turning or merging does not offer enough reaction time.

Our Virginia Beach Car Accident Law Firm is Dedicated to Serving Vehicle Crash Victims and Their Families

If you were you hurt in a car accident caused by a driver’s negligent use of a turn signal, call our Virginia Beach car accident law firm to discuss your choices. Our East Coast Trial Lawyers will review your case and obtain the compensation you deserve. Located in Virginia Beach, Virginia, we serve clients throughout Chesapeake, Eastern Shores, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Suffolk, as well as North Carolina and nationwide. Call us at 757-352-2237 or fill out an online form to set up a free consultation today.

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