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Underride Truck Accidents

Virginia Beach Truck Accident Lawyers discuss underride truck accidents. Underride truck accidents are some of the deadliest accidents to occur on the road. Each year, hundreds of drivers are killed in this type of accident. Because trucks are higher off the ground, when a passenger vehicle rear-ends a truck, the entire front end of the vehicle runs the risk of sliding underneath. The result may lead to serious injuries and even death. If you or someone you know was hurt in an underride truck accident, you may be eligible for compensation.

What is an Underride Truck Accident?

An underride truck accident occurs when a passenger vehicle slides underneath a truck and becomes pinned. This often happens when the vehicle crashes into the rear of a truck. The cause of this sort of accident can be due to brake failures, tailgating, reckless driving, and driver fatigue.

Other factors that lead to underride truck accidents include trucks coming to a sudden stop and the absence of underride guards on tractor trailers. Underride guards are bars that extend below a trucks tailgate. The purpose of underride guards is to prevent vehicles from getting pinned underneath a truck. However, underride guard rails do not completely protect drivers when they collide with a truck.

Side Underride Collisions versus Rear Underride Collisions

Side underride collisions usually occur when a truck is making a U-turn, crossing over, or turning onto a street. Rear underride collisions occur when a passenger vehicle collides and slides underneath the rear of a truck. In the United States, trucks are required to have rear underride guards and they must be in good condition. However, side underride guards are not yet a requirement. This makes the risk of vehicles getting caught underneath a truck while merging more likely.

Who is Liable for Underride Truck Accidents?

It is tricky to determine liability when it comes to underride truck accidents because drivers who rear-end a truck may be held liable. However, other factors come into play. For example, the truck’s brake lights may not have been working, or the driver who rear-ended the truck may have been driving too fast or too close to the truck. If you rear-ended a truck and are held liable, the truck company or truck owner may also be held accountable if the truck failed to have underride guards.

Our Virginia Beach Truck Accident Lawyers Represent Clients Injured in Underride Truck Accidents

If you were injured in an underride truck accident, you need a Virginia Beach truck accident lawyer on your side. At East Coast Trial Lawyers, our experienced lawyers will fight to obtain the compensation you need for your injuries. For a free consultation, contact us online or call us at 757-352-2237. Based in Virginia Beach, Virginia, we represent clients throughout Chesapeake, Eastern Shores, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Suffolk, as well as North Carolina and nationwide.

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